PAC Overview

Welcome to the Quadra Parent Advisory Council (PAC)!

If you’re a parent or guardian with a student at L’École Quadra School, congratulations, you’re already part of the PAC family! Our goals? To make sure our school community is well-equipped, engaged, and supported so that every student can thrive.

We warmly invite you to join us in bringing our school community closer together. By organizing a variety of fun, student-focused events, and supporting the school’s educational and inclusivity goals through volunteering and fundraising initiatives, we aim to create a vibrant and welcoming environment for all!

PAC meetings take place at 7PM on the second Thursday of every month via Zoom. We’d love to see you at the next one!

Examples of recent and upcoming PAC organized events and fundraising efforts:

  • Seasonal bake sales
  • Bottle drives
  • Annual Loonie Emporium
  • Family movie night
  • Family game night
  • Quadra’s Got Talent, talent show
  • Spirit wear shirts and hoodies
  • Silent auction
  • Art showcase
  • Community Values Coupon Book campaign
  • Purdy’s and Mabel’s Labels fundraising campaign

Some of PAC’s 2024/2025 fundraising goals:

  • Primary and intermediate playground equipment
  • Grade 5 hoodies and celebratory trip to Camp Bernard
  • Musical instruments
  • Annual school appreciation lunch

PAC’s recent fundraising achievements:

  • New gymnasium sound system
  • Sensory equipment

Contact the PAC:


Facebook: @ecolequadraschool

Slack: Join our Slack discussion board

PAC representatives for 2024

  • Chair – Liz Post
  • Co-Chair – Bri Westhaver
  • Treasure – Prescilla Tjituka
  • Secretary + Communications – Braden Hutchins
  • VCPAC Rep – Lia Thomson
  • Volunteer Coordinator – Lauren Gudavicius

Helpful websites:

Corporate Sponsorship Policy

Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils

BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC)