Green Spirit Day

In honour of St. Patrick's Day, students will be encouraged to wear green for a fun spirit day.

Spring Break

This is our district spring break.  There is no school for students or staff.  We look forward to students returning relaxed and refreshed!

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick's Day is a global celebration of Irish culture.  It particularly remembers St. Patrick, one of Ireland's patron saints, who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century.

School reopens

Today school is back in session after spring break.  We look forward to welcoming all the students back to Quadra!

7:00p.m. PAC Meeting

All parents welcome to come and discuss and share in the discussions and planning for student opportunities at Ecole Quadra School.  Babysitting is provided.

Pro D Day

Today staff will be involved in professional development.  No School for students.

Please Be Advised

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